List of Synonym Words for IELTS + PDF (2024)

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If you’re preparing for the IELTS exam and want to expand your vocabulary, we’ve got you covered with our list of synonym words for IELTS. This comprehensive IELTS vocabulary list will help you diversify your language skills and improve your writing and speaking for the test.

You can also easily download this list in PDF format for convenient offline access, making it a valuable resource for your IELTS preparation.

List of Synonym Words for IELTS + PDF (1)

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300+ List of Vocabulary Words for IELTS (updated

IELTS Synonyms A- C List

Here you can find the vocabulary list for IELTS Synonyms from A to C.

averageordinary, fair
awfuldreadful, atrocious
awkwardclumsy, uncoordinated
banprohibit, forbid
barrenunproductive, infertile
bashfulshy, timid
beautifulpretty, attractive
beforeprior, earlier
beginningstart, initiate
believetrust, accept
belowunder, lower
beneficialhelpful, useful
bestfinest, choice
blendcombine, mix
bottombase, foundation
bravecourageous, bold
breakfracture, burst
briefshort, concise
calmquiet, tranquil
careconcern, protection

IELTS Synonyms C – F

Here you can find the vocabulary list for IELTS Synonyms from C to F.

ceasestop, discontinue
certainpositive, sure
charmingdelightful, appealing
chillycool, nippy
chubbyplump, pudgy
clarifyexplain, simplify
closeshut, fasten
closenear, imminent
coarsebumpy, rough
colossalenormous, immense
combineblend, unite
comicalamusing, funny
compresscrush, condense
concretereal, tangible
confessadmit, acknowledge
confinecontain, enclose
conflictoppose, differ, clash
conflictfight, battle, struggle
conformcomply, submit
confusecomplicate, muddle, jumble
congestedovercrowded, stuffed
connectjoin, link, attach
conscientiousscrupulous, virtuous
consciousaware, cognizant
consecutivesuccessive, continuous
conservativecautious, restrained
continuepersist, persevere
convalescerecuperate, recover
convenienthandy, accessible
conventionalcustomary, traditional
correctaccurate, right
couragebravery, valor
courteouspolite, civil
coverconceal, hide
cozycomfortable, snug
crankycross, irritable
crazyinsane, daft, mad
cruelmean, heartless
crysob, weep
dallyloiter, linger
damagehurt, impair
dangerousunsafe, hazardous
daringbold, audacious
deductsubtract, remove
defendprotect, shield
defyresist, challenge
delicatefragile, dainty
demolishdestroy, wreck
denounceblame, censure, indict
densethick, heavy, compressed
departleave, exit
depositstore, place
desolatebarren, forsaken
despisehate, detest, loathe
destitutepoor, penniless
deterhinder, prevent
determinedsure, convinced
dieexpire, perish
differentdistinct, unlike
difficulthard, challenging
diluteweaken, thin
diminishcurtail, lessen, decrease
dirtysoiled, messy
disagreediffer, dispute
disputedebate, oppose
diversedifferent, distinct
divideseparate, split
dociletame, gentle
dormantsleeping, inactive
doubtmistrust, dispute
drabdull, lifeless
dubiousdoubtful, questionable
dullblunt, dreary
dumbstupid, dense
earlypremature, beforetime
eccentricpeculiar, unusual
ecstasyjoy, rapture, elation
emptydrain, unload
encouragepromote, support, urge
enemyopponent, foe
enjoylike, appreciate
enlargeexpand, magnify
enormousvast, immense, colossal
exceptionalremarkable, outstanding
excitearouse, provoke, incite
exhilaratedoverjoyed, ecstatic, elated
explicitexact, distinct, unmistakable
exquisitedelightful, charming, lovely
fabulousmarvelous, amazing
faceconfront, meet
fairhonest, just, impartial
fakeimitation, phony, artificial
falseincorrect, untrue
fancyelaborate, ornate, fussy
fantasticincredible, outrageous
fastrapid, quick, swift
fatchubby, plump, stout
fataldeadly, mortal, killing
fatiguetire, exhaust
fictionfantasy, untruth, myth
fillload, pack
fixmend, repair
flawdefect, fault, blemish
flimsyfrail, fragile, delicate
flippantimpudent, sassy

IELTS Synonyms F – O

Here you can find the vocabulary list for IELTS Synonyms from F to O.

foeenemy, adversary, opponent
forgivepardon, excuse, absolve
formerprevious, earlier
fractionpart, portion, segment
frankcandid, straightforward, blunt
frenzyfury, rage
freshunused, new
friendcomrade, buddy
frigidfreezing, frosty
frivoloustrivial, unimportant, silly
furiousangry, enraged, infuriated
futurecoming, tomorrow
gainacquire, obtain, receive
gallantchivalrous, stately
gathercollect, accumulate, compile
gaudyshowy, garish, vulgar
gauntscrawny, skinny, thin
generousgiving, selfless, big-hearted
gentletender, mild
genuinereal, authentic, sincere
giganticimmense, colossal, enormous
givedonate, present, offer
gladhappy, pleased, delighted
gloomydark, dismal, depressing
gorgeousravishing, dazzling, stunning
gratitudethankfulness, appreciation
greatoutstanding, remarkable
handyuseful, convenient, skillful
hardfirm, solid, difficult
hateloathe, detest
helpaid, assist
highelevated, lofty
holdgrasp, grip, retain
honesttruthful, sincere, frank
hospitablewelcoming, cordial, gracious
hostileantagonistic, aggressive, militant
hugevast, immense, great
humblemodest, unpretentious
humiliateembarrass, disgrace, dishonor
identicalalike, duplicate
immaculatespotless, pure
immaturechildish, inexperienced
immuneresistant, exempt
impartialneutral, unbiased, fair
impatienteager, anxious, intolerant
imperativecompulsory, crucial, mandatory
imperfectmarred, defective, faulty
impetuousimpulsive, rash, reckless
importantsignificant, meaningful
independentself-reliant, autonomous
inferiorlesser, substandard
infuriateenrage, agitate, provoke
ingeniousclever, creative, original
innocentguiltless, blameless
interestingprovocative, engrossing
intermittentsporadic, periodic
internalinner, inside
intolerantbigoted, prejudiced
intriguingfascinating, enthralling
irrelevantinappropriate, unrelated
irritateannoy, agitate, provoke
joinconnect, unite, link
jollymerry, jovial, joyful
jubilantoverjoyed, delighted, elated
keepsave, protect, guard
kindconsiderate, tender, thoughtful
leastfewest, minimum, smallest
legiblereadable, clear
lenientlax, unrestrained, easy
listlesslethargic, tired
logicalsensible, sane, rational
looseslack, limp
lureattract, seduce, entice
luxuriousextravagant, elegant
magnifyexpand, enlarge, exaggerate
mandatoryrequired, compulsory
maneuvermanipulate, handle, scheme
maximumgreatest, uppermost, highest
meagerscanty, sparse, poor
meanunkind, malicious, nasty
militantcombative, aggressive, warlike
minorlesser, inferior, secondary
mirthmerriment, fun, laughter
mischievousnaughty, impish
misfortunehardship, catastrophe, mishap
mobilemoveable, changeable
moderatetemperate, lenient, medium
momentousimportant, powerful, outstanding
monotonousboring, tedious dreary, humdrum
moralethical, virtuous, righteous
morbidappalling, awful, ghastly
morosegloomy, sullen, moody, glum
mourngrieve, lament, bemoan
mysteriouselusive, occult, secret
naughtybad, disobedient, wrong
nonchalantindifferent, lackadaisical, blase
normalordinary, typical, usual
numerousseveral, abundant, considerable
obeymind, heed, comply
obliviousunconscious, preoccupied, dazed
obnoxiousoffensive, abominable, repulsive
observeexamine, study, scrutinize
obsoleteextinct, dated, antiquated
obstinatestubborn, bullheaded, adamant
oddpeculiar, weird, strange
offenddisplease, affront, disgust
ominousthreatening, menacing
opaqueobscure, murky, unclear
openbegin, unfold, originate
opponentenemy, rival, foe
optimistichopeful, confident
optionalvoluntary, elective
ordinaryusual, average
outrageouspreposterous, shocking
outstandingextraordinary, distinguished

IELTS Synonyms P – Z

Here you can find the vocabulary list for IELTS Synonyms from P to Z.

painstakingmeticulous, precise, fastidious
peculiarweird, bizarre
perfectflawless, accurate
permanentenduring, lasting
perpetualeternal, endless, incessant
persuadeconvince, influence
plausiblebelievable, reasonable, logical
plentifulample, enough, abundant
pliablesupple, flexible, compliant
politegracious, refined, courteous
poordestitute, needy, impoverished
portionpart, segment, piece
possibleconceivable, feasible, plausible
precariousdangerous, uncertain, shaky
preciouscherished, valuable, prized
prejudicedbiased, opinionated, influenced
prematureearly, hasty
prevalentcustomary, widespread
preventthwart, prohibit, hinder
probablelikely, apt, liable
proficientskilled, adept, competent
profitgain, earnings, benefit
prohibitforbid, bar, restrict
prominentdistinguished, eminent
promptpunctual, timely
prosperousthriving, successful, flourishing
proudarrogant, elated
pushshove, propel
quitcease, stop, withdraw
racketnoise, commotion, disturbance
radiantluminous, shining, lustrous
raisehoist, elevate
ratifyapprove, confirm, endorse
rationallogical, level-headed, sensible
ravagedevastate, ruin, damage
razedestroy, demolish
recreationamusem*nt, pleasure, pastime
reducelessen, decrease, diminish
relentlesspersistent, merciless, unyielding
relevantpertinent, suitable, apropos
reliabletrustworthy, steadfast, stable
reluctantunwilling, hesitant
remotesecluded, isolated, distant
repulsivehideous, offensive, gruesome
reputablehonorable, upstanding, honest
resistoppose, withstand, defy
retaliateavenge, revenge, reciprocate
revealshow, disclose, divulge
ridiculousnonsensical, foolish, preposterous
sameidentical, alike, equivalent
savageuncivilized, barbarous
savepreserve, conserve, keep
scarcescanty, rare, sparse
scrawnyskinny, gaunt, spindly
scrupulousmeticulous, ethical, fastidious
seizeapprehend, grab, snatch
separatedivide, segregate, partition
serenepeaceful, tranquil, calm
seriousgrave, solemn, pensive
shrewdclever, cunning, crafty
sluggishlistless, lethargic, inactive
smalllittle, insignificant, trivial
smoothslick, glossy, level
sociablefriendly, cordial, gregarious
sorrowwoe, anguish, grief
specialexceptional, notable, particular
spontaneousinstinctive, automatic, natural
stablesteady, unchanging, settled
stationaryfixed, immobile, firm
stimulaterouse, stir, motivate
stopquit, cease, terminate
strenuousvigorous, laborious
strictstringent, severe, stern
strongpowerful, mighty, potent
stupidunintelligent, dense, foolish
subsequentfollowing, succeeding, latter
suppressrestrain, inhibit, squelch
surplusexcess, additional, extra
swiftfast, speedy, hasty
syntheticman-made, artificial
tallhigh, lofty
tangibleconcrete, definite
tauttense, tight, stiff
tenderdelicate, gentle, affectionate
terribledreadful, horrible, vile
thawmelt, defrost
thriftyeconomical, frugal, prudent
thriveprosper, flourish, develop
totalwhole, entire, complete
trivialinsignificant, worthless
upsetperturb, ruffle, agitate
urgentcrucial, important
vacantunoccupied, empty
vagueunclear, obscure, indistinct
valiantcourageous, brave, heroic
vibrateshake, quiver, tremble
viciousmalicious, spiteful, ferocious
victorytriumph, win, success
virtuousmoral, righteous, angelic
vulgaroffensive, uncouth, coarse
wealthriches, prosperity, assets
wearytired, fatigued, lethargic
wintriumph, succeed, prevail
wiseknowing, scholarly, smart
wonderfulmarvelous, incredible
wornused, impaired, old
wrongincorrect, untrue, mistaken
yieldproduce, bear, provide
zenithpeak, apex

IELTS Synonyms Words List PDF

Here you can download detailed Synonym Words List for IELTS exam.

IELTS Synonyms Words List PDF – download

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List of Synonym Words for IELTS + PDF (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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