Louisiana Physical Therapy Jurisprudence Exam Answers (2025)

1. Jurisprudence Requirement - Louisiana Physical Therapy Board

  • All Applicants are required to make a 75% or higher to pass the Board's Online Jurisprudence Exam. The exam is free of charge and consists of 40 questions.

  • Jurisprudence is defined in the Louisiana Physical Therapy Board Rules as the body of law applicable to the practice of physical therapy in Louisiana including the Practice Act and the Rules promulgated by the Board.(Rule §123)

2. Rules - Louisiana Physical Therapy Board

3. Jurisprudence Exam - FSBPT

  • A jurisprudence exam is a test of your state's laws and rules. All licensed physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs) should be ...

4. Licensure & Regulation - LPTA

5. Louisiana Physical Therapy CEU Requirements

  • The Louisiana Physical Therapy Board provides the coursework for your jurisprudence exam. ATs: Licensees are required to use CE Broker to track their annual ...

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6. Fees and Jurisprudence Requirements - PT Compact

  • Registering for an account is required to access and complete the Louisiana jurisprudence exam here. Make sure to select “Compact Privilege User” when ...

  • Find the fees and requirements for petting physical therapy compact privileges in each of the active states.

7. [PDF] Louisiana Physical Therapy Board

  • 30 mei 2019 · JP Exam Review. Chairman Harris updated the board of the progress of the Jurisprudence Exam Review and next steps. NEW BUSINESS. The board ...

8. Louisiana Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

  • There are no home study limitations. Additional Information: 2 hours of ethics or professionalism 2 hours jurisprudence (provided by the LA PT Board). Meet ...

  • HomeCEU's accredited online CE courses meet Louisiana physical therapy continuing education requirements. Learn at your own pace and advance your career.

Louisiana Physical Therapy Jurisprudence Exam Answers (2025)


How many PTAS can a PT supervise in Louisiana? ›

(i) No more than four physical therapist assistants or technicians or any combination thereof. (ii) No more than two provisional licensees. (iii) No more than five students. (b) A supervising physical therapist is responsible for and shall participate in the patient's care.

What is the Texas jurisprudence exam? ›

The exam is an open-book exam used to assess the candidate's knowledge of applicable laws governing the practice of psychology and must be taken no more than 6 months prior to submitting an application for licensure to the Council.

How many questions are on the Texas LPC jurisprudence exam? ›

The TX Jurisprudence exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions prepared by the Texas Medical Board or TMB.

How many questions is the Michigan Physical Therapy jurisprudence exam? ›

Michigan requires passing both the jurisprudence and NPTE examinations for a PT to become licensed in Michigan. The passing score on the jurisprudence exam is 75%, (21 out of 28 questions).

What is the salary of a PTA in Louisiana? ›

Physical Therapist Assistant Salary in Louisiana
Annual SalaryWeekly Pay
Top Earners$71,830$1,381
75th Percentile$63,300$1,217
25th Percentile$47,900$921

What can a PT do that a PTA Cannot? ›

According to the above-mentioned APTA article, “PTAs provide many of the treatments that a PT provides—passive range of motion, electrotherapeutic modalities, mechanical modalities, gait training, functional training, transfer training, wound dressing, airway clearance techniques, and therapeutic exercise for strength, ...

What states require a jurisprudence exam? ›

Jurisprudence Examination

States that have a jurisprudence requirement, such as the passage of a jurisprudence exam or attesting to reviewing jurisprudence information, include California, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.

How many times can I take the jurisprudence exam in Texas? ›

How many times can I retake the JP exam? There is no attempt limit; however, there is a fee for each attempt.

What happens if you fail the Texas jurisprudence exam? ›

(j) The Board shall permit an individual who fails the jurisprudence examination to take subsequent examinations if the individual applies for reexamination and pays the required fee. (k) An individual may take the jurisprudence examination as many times as required.

How long does it take to study for jurisprudence? ›

-"The process to pass the CPJE takes about four or five months. I took the test in January and failed.

How much does the Texas jurisprudence exam cost for Physical Therapy? ›

There is no cost to applicants who are applying for their initial PT or PTA license in TX. Cost to individuals who are renewing or restoring their PT or PTA license is $48.00.

Is the Texas jurisprudence exam hard? ›

You can read this 1-3 times (over 1-3 hours; the first pass will take around an hour) and pass easily and safely (this has been universally corroborated by thousands of people and hundreds of 5-star reviews). As much as is possible given the subject matter, I hope you enjoy it.

What is the Mississippi jurisprudence exam? ›

Mississippi Jurisprudence Exam

The assessments are used to measure a Licensed professional Counselor's or Supervisor's familiarity with Mississippi state law, Mississippi Rules and Regulations, and the ethical codes of the American Counseling...

How many questions is the Washington State physical therapy jurisprudence exam? ›

All Washington State physical therapy licensure applicants are required to pass the 18 question Jurisprudence Exam (JP exam, for short) with a score of 100 percent.

What is the passing score for the California PT law exam? ›

Takers are required to answer 80% of the questions correctly to pass the CAL-JAM. There is no limit on the number of attempts.

Is it possible that a PTA may be supervised by more than on PT? ›

Two physical therapist assistants shall be the maximum number of physical therapist assistants supervised by a physical therapist at any one time, but the board may permit the supervision of a greater number by a physical therapist if, in the opinion of the board, there would be adequate supervision and the public's ...

How many support personnel is a PT allowed to supervise in MA? ›

the number of physical therapist assistants the physical therapist can safely and effectively supervise. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the Board will presume that a ratio that exceeds one physical therapist to three physical therapist assistants is not safe and effective; c.

How many nurse practitioners can a physician supervise in Louisiana? ›

The supervising physician must be physically available, within 20 miles or 30 minutes if the physician is not on-site. No Physician should be allowed to supervise more than 4 mid-level providers at one time. The LAFP position is that advanced nurse practitioners should not be granted full license authority.

How many PTA can a PT supervise in MD? ›

A physical therapist may only supervise two physical therapy assistants at a time.

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