Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (2024)

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (1)

The Root of Nightmares takes place on the Pyramid ship that was attacked by the traveller, and the effects of the attack are still taking shape that affects the structure as we progress.

Using the Field of Light or Field of Darkness buffs

There is a common mechanic throughout the raid, and is used in most of the raid encounters and the long transits between encounters.

This mechanic is to complete a set of plates in sequence. The sequence will either be a Light sequence or a Darkness sequence. There will be a start plate that will have a fogged guardian sized aura around it, and a traveller orb or a darkness spiral inside that you can shoot.

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (2)

Image showing the traveller orb inside an active plate, the wisp shows the direction to the next plate in the sequence.

Shooting the orb whilst stood on the plate will give you a buff: shooting a Traveller orb grants you or Field of Light buff, and shooting an orange Darkness spiral grants you the Field of Darkness buff. You can only complete the Light sequence with Field of Light and a darkness sequence with Field of Darkness. In most methods, a player would only work on a Light or Darkness set of plates.

This buff has a time limit, which is displayed on the HUD. Should this time has run out before you activate the next plate, it will need to be reacquired.

If you or another guardian tries to activate the buff whilst one is already active the sequence is broken and a 10 second time penalty is placed. This penalty is slightly shorter than the buff, so if you stand by the next plate you have a chance of shooting the seed - if you are quick.

As an example, when completing a set of Light plates (which will have a Traveller orb on the starting plate), the mechanic would be as follows:

  1. Stand on the starting plate, and shoot the Traveller orb to gain Field of Light.

  2. Notice the wisp's direction to the next plate (plate 1), and you will see a small seed in the metallic tree on the plate it is pointing to

  3. Run to that plate, and shoot the small seed whilst stood on that plate. This consumes your Field of Light buff, and the seed will transform into a Traveller orb. A wisp spawns to the next plate in the sequence

  4. Run back to the start plate (as this will still have the aura) and reacquire the Field of Light buff.

  5. Run to the next (2nd) plate in the sequence and shoot the small seed.

  6. Again run back to the start plate, and reacquire the buff before running to the 3rd plate.

  7. After the 3rd plate the active plate with the aura will move, usually to plate 2 - but this can vary by encounter.

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (3)

Image from the first encounter showing a plate in the sequence and a finish plate.

Cataclysm - first encounter

In this encounter we need to complete 4 sets of plates before the Sweeping Terror timer reaches zero. This time can be reset by killing a tormentor that spawns once 2 Psions are killed.

The Psions spawn when the Sweeping Terror timer reaches 33 seconds.

There are barrier champions in this encounter, but these are a distraction to the main aim of killing Tormentors and completing the plate sequences. They don't have to be dealt with.

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (4)

The plates are in pairs. If one in the pair is active, the other one in the pair is always next. The starting plate is always in the right side (as you face the end of the encounter) and the finish plate is always on the far left.


The team is best split into 2 runners and 4 on tormentors. The job of the runners is to complete the plate sequence as quickly as possible, whereas the tormentor team will focus on finding and killing two Psions and the tormentor that spawns. Killing a tormentor extends the timer.

The runners will follow these steps:

  1. Runner 1 will start by shooting the traveller orb on the starting plate, and then run to the next plate in the sequence and shoot the seed.

  2. Runner 1 immediately calls to Runner 2 that this is done (because if Runner 2 shoots too soon, it breaks the sequence)

  3. Runner 2

There will be a small seed inside it. Run to that plate, and shoot it whilst on the plate - it will transform into a small traveller orb with a wisp pointing towards the next plate in the sequence. Then call to Runner 2 to start. If runner 2 starts before you have shot the plate's seed (and you still have Field of Light active) it will break the sequences and all plates will be disabled for 10 seconds.

Runner 2 will run to the plate, and shoot it - calling out to runner 1 who will be waiting by the start point. Once 2 have been completed the start point will move, and will move for each completed plate.

Once the last plate, which is a kind of flower structure is complete, the Sweeping Terror timer resets, and starts when the next set of plates activates.

If you know you will complete the sequence before the Sweeping Terror times runs to zero, ask the tormentor team to not kill the tormentor. They would then kill the tormentor when the Sweeping Terror timer restarts, this give you more time.

The running team will then meet back on the next starting point waiting for the sequence to start. This is repeated until the 4th sequence is done. Each sequence there is one more plate and are placed in slightly harder places to find.

Scission - second encounter

The purpose of this encounter is simply to proceed further into the root, there is no boss here and is largely a repeat of the plate sequence of the first encounter.

The differences in this encounter is that we have both Light and Dark plates and that the Sweeping Terror timer cannot be extended, so runners have to be quick.

There are also some shielded ads that spawn that can only be damaged with a buff from that side.

The following image shows the layout of each floor (credit pryanie#2536):

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (5)

Only the runners should get the buff, just like the first encounter if someone damages the active plate's orb whilst a player has the buff active the sequence becomes broken for 10 seconds. This can happen if any damage is taken the orb if a player is stood on the plate. Some AOE effects can also trigger this.

But, if the sequence on that side is complete - anyone can get the buff from the final active plate (which will be plate 5).

There are barrier champions on this encounter, which spawn at the time when Runner 2 is about to run to plate 5. These should be dealt with quickly by the ad clear as they get in the way of those running plates.


Organise the team into two teams of three, with two runners each side and one ad clear. The person on ad clear will try and get the buff each time a runner shoots the active plate, by just standing on the plate with the runner as it is shot.

  1. Runner 1 shoots orb on plate 1 (with the ad clear person) and uses the "boop" to cross to the other side, finds plate 2 and shoots the seed whilst on the plate. Runner 1 calls out immediately to Runner 2 that this is done.

  2. Runner 2 will then get the buff then find and shoot the seed on plate 3 calling out to Runner 1 that this is done.

  3. Runner 1 will have traversed back to plate 1 in order to get the buff again and cross over to shoot the seed on plate 4 and calls out to Runner 2 - at this time the starting plate moves to Plate 3.

  4. Runner 2 acquires the buff and completes plate 5 (where a barrier champion will spawn) and calls out to Runner 1 when done.

  5. Runner 1 will acquire the buff, traverse back to the other side and complete the final plate - this is in a flower type structure.

Once both light and darkness sequences are complete the floor is complete the Sweeping Terror timer stops.

You can freely get the buff in order to kill the ads that now spawn. Once all ads are dealt with the crux on the final boop cannon will appear, which will send the players up to the next floor.

Repeat this for each floor.

Macrocosm - third encounter

This is often called planets, and here we need get passed Zo’aurc, Explicator of Planets. This is on Nezarec's request. The only way to make him damageable is to align planets into light and dark.

The following image shows the layout of the area, and an example of how the planets are named:

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (6)

Before the encounter starts you can see 3 planets above each triangular plate and 3 in the central area, as shown by the L M R symbols in the above image. Two of the planets in the central area will look different from the rest. The will be bright white or a dark orange. This is to show you what a planet looks like when they are light or darkness aligned.

Even though you can't see which as the encounter starts, 2 of the plates on each of the left plates will be Light and one Dark. On the right 2 will be Dark and one Light. Our job is to move the odd one out to the other side so that each plate has either all darkness or all light aligned planets.

In order to see which planet is light or dark aligned, the players on plates must get the final blow on the Terrestrial Lieutenant Colossus that spawns on their plate. Killing the Solar-shielded Centurions in the central area causes the Terrestrial Lieutenant Colossi to spawn. For example, killing the Solar-shielded Centurion on the left side will spawn a Terrestrial Lieutenant Colossus on each of the left two plates and when the centurion on the right is killed the Terrestrial Lieutenant Colossi will spawn on the right plates..

The person who has the final blow on this Terrestrial Lieutenant Colossus acquires a buff that allows them to see clearly which planet is the odd one out - but only on their side. That planet will then be picked up and moved to the other side.

This encounter is timed, which is shown by a pattern that slowly fills in the central area.


Organise the team to have 4 on planetary alignment and 2 on ad clear. Ad clears job is not only to keep the central area clear of ads, but also to quickly kill the two Solar-shielded Centurions in the central area. Ad clear must never shoot the colossi on the plates.

These are the steps to reach the damage phase:

  1. The players on Ad control will kill the two Solar-shielded Centurions at the back of the arena.

  2. The players on plates will look out for their Psions, and get ready for the Terrestrial Lieutenant Colossi to spawn, which must be killed quickly by the players doing planetary alignment.

  3. Each player on the plate will call out which planet is the odd one out, and stand by it.

  4. When all call outs are made, all players will pick up the planet (press the Use button). This starts the Planetary alignment timer. If all plates aren't places by this time, the remaining planets cannot be placed.

  5. The players run to the opposite plate and dunk it on the planet they were told.

  6. After a short time a noise will be heard and the planets that were aligned correctly, an orange beam will appear on the centre of the plate. If not, that pair has to be redone. Players do not run back to their original plate.

  7. Ad control will kill two more Solar-shielded Centurions, again spawning the four Terrestrial Lieutenant Colossi on the plates.

  8. Those on plates will again kill the colossi, but this time all planets should be the same, but the planets in the centre will be 2 of one colour and 1 of the other.

  9. The players on the plates will pick up a planet and take it to a matching plate in the central area. It is important to call out which you do so you don't both try the same plate.

Once the last planet is aligned, you can shoot the crux above the central area. This stops the Planetary Shift timer saving a little time.

At the end of the sequence the plate readers will have seen which planets in the centre are light or dark, to work out which damage plates should be use use the following:

  • If there are 2 light and one darkness, the damage will be a light buff, then a darkness buff, and finally a light buff

  • If there are 2 dark and one light, the damage will be a darkness buff, then a light buff, and finally a darkness buff

Have someone call out the sequence, such as Left Right Mid.

Assemble near the first plate, and jump on together when the buff appears on the plate. There will be a timer by which it runs out, when it does go to the next to acquire the next buff.

Once all buffs are consumer, damage is over and the process repeats.

Final stand

Should you push to the final stand part of the damage phase, you must kill the boss otherwise it is a wipe.

Nezarec, God of Pain

In this encounter we are back to running a plate sequence, and finally deal with Nezarec.

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (7)

Image showing the plate sequence for both light and dark

There is a wipe mechanic, which you would have encountered in the jumping section - but this time he can emit both light and darkness blasts.

A simple way to handle this is to make a light and darkness refuge as the encounter starts. To make a refuge a player stands with a running to acquire the buff and will run over to plate two on the opposite side and shoot the orb. Plate 1 on light side will give you a lightness refuge, and plate 1 are the dark side will give you a darkness refuge.

You cannot have both light and darkness refuge buffs, as one replaces another. The refuges have a timer, and you need to be sure you have a refuge active when Nezarec performs his dark or light blast.

We determine which is required by shooting Nezarec's crits on this left and right shoulders. When both are destroyed he emits a cloud of smoke that is light blue or orange. Pay attention as this disappears quickly


Organise the team into 2 runners, 3 ad clear and one focussed on Nezarec's crits.

The Light runner and ad clear for dark will be on the Light side's start plate, and the Dark runner with the ad clear for light side will be on the starting for dark.

The runners shoot the orb and run to plate 1 to complete the first plate.

The two ad clears (having acquired the buff) run to the opposite plate 1 in order to create the refuge. The ad clear then stay on that side dealing with ads so they don't harass the runners.

The runners then continue to complete the sequence, the start point will not move for 3 plates as plate 1 is not available since it is a refuge.

Whilst this is happening the person on Nezarec's crits has two jobs. They need to stop is annoying purple attack that makes players bounce in the air and also shoot both crits, since the purple attack can also affect the one doing crits - dealing with this is important as there is no way to shoot accurately whilst being bounced around.

A good sequence for this is:

  1. Shoot the left shoulder first as he turns to face you

  2. Shoot the chest crit to stop the purple attack

  3. Shoot the right shoulder - if you are quick you can get this before he jumps down, otherwise shoot the crit once he has landed.

  4. Call out whether dark or light buff is needed.

Players should refresh their buff periodically refresh the buff, being careful not to get the opposing buff by mistake. Plate runners would usually get to plate 4 before needing to get the buff. When the buff is on there side, they can just run through it to refresh. When it is on the opposing side, they may wish to stop at plate 3 and just stay near the plate with the buff.

After the Nezarec emit the pulse, he will move back to the top. The person on crits should shoot the chest crit to being him down. The shoulder crits shouldn't be required.

To get the most time on damage, Nezarec should be back down again before both plate sequences have been completed. It isn't usually a good plan to complete dark first so that you can bring Nezarec over to the light side.

The best plate for damage can vary but this is usually the central two places (2/3, 4/5).

After damage the process is repeated.

Weapons and team mix

You should have 2 warlocks with Well of Radiance the rest of the team can be any class with a damage super - such as blade barrage, thunder crash etc.

Typically you will be running an ad clear, such as smg and a heavy hitting special for the various elites.

Encounters 1 and 2

For the first two encounters you are dealing with barriers, tormentors and general ads. The same load out can be used for both, heavy hitting special (fusion etc), ad clear and machine gun. The ad clear on the second encounter must have a barrier weapon.

Supers are pretty much anything, roaming, or burst supers are fine. Well of Radiance is not needed.

Encounter 3

There are no champions here, but a boss.

  • Special: fusion or shotgun

  • smg/auto - ad clear

  • Rockets (Thunderlord can be used, but needs divinity to ensure good damage)

Root of Nightmares - Raid Guide (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.